Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 After a little researches I came up with my 2 templates representing the Alferez (stardard bearer) of the Mallorca Regiment.

For this purpouse I used some info I went through. Specifically, I found the Flag Colonela of an Infantry Regiment in 1750:

I changed hence the coat of arms to that of Felipe V of Spain and obtained the Colonela:

On the corners accoding to the painting of the epoch there is the coat of arm of the Mallorca Regiment. I found it in an old picture and I reproduced it in the 4 corners.

and from this I reproduced the Ordinance Standard of the Regiment (here under)

It is important to note that every Regiment had just 1 Bandera Coronela, while all the rest (3 per battalion) were Banderas Sencillas.
While after the Reign of Felipe V also the Banderas Coronelas carried the Burgondy Cross, and the Coat of Arms of the King, during the Reing of Felipe V they carried just the Coat of Arms with at the corners the symbol of the town/province.

And in fact, I found on the book of the serie Guerreros Battallas number 134 this image (exactly!) of the Mallorca Regiment! So I had to modify my previous template:

From this magnificent figure I realized mine:

                                            Regiment Mallorca 1744 Bandera Coronela

and  after some more researches I mended my previous template:

Regiment Mallorca 1744 Bandera Sencilla

Here another version of the Bandera Coronela

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