Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The new year just came and I want to celebrate it with an ancient project of mine, that like many others will never sees its end. But I know it and I will go on in this way. 

The Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo took place next to the town of Cuneo, South West Piedmont, a zone to which I am deeply bound, because I live in between the current Province of Turin and Cuneo. Another specific fact of this Battle is given by the fact that it envolves mainly the Piedmontese Army, so I really feel like obliged to pay may respects to my ancestors, that fought so bravely in this battle.

Also the uniforms of this period are really beautiful: they increased from WSS to a sophisticated level and there are already a lot of info about the real uniforms of the period (above all for Piedmontese, French and Austrian units).

In fact, to say the truth the Spanish Army that fought in that battle is mainly forgotten and to get some good info about their order of battle and the current uniforms was quite a challenge, but I managed and now I would like to share with you the results.

At the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo fought the following Spanish Regiments:

Regimiento Saboya
Regimiento Toledo
Regimiento Vitoria
Regimiento Asturias
Regimiento Navarra
Regimiento Mallorca
Regimiento Cordoba (Provincial)
Regimiento Granada (Provincial)
Regimento Jung Reding (Swiss)
Regimiento Hibernia (Irish)

The Spanish Infantry under Felipe V (after 1707) wore all white coat, with golden/silver buttons and a variations od details, like trousers, vest and so on. The Provicial units differentiate themselves for the fact to have a little black scarf around the neck, instead of a collar. 
The foreing troops wore their typical uniforms: the Irish in red and the Swiss (for the Spanish Crown) the blue. 

So I can present now my Infantry for the Spanish Army at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo on 30the September 1744.

                                                                 Regimiento Saboya

                                                                Regimiento Vitoria

Regimiento Mallorca

Regimiento Navarra

                                                                Regimiento Asturias


Regimiento Toledo


Regimiento Cordoba

Regimiento Granada


Regimiento Hibernia


Regimiento Jung Reding

Obviously every Regiment had also his company of Grenadiers (Granaderos): here an example.

Grenadier of the Mallorca Regiment

Once I prepared all the templates, I found some mistakes (fig 1) to be re-drawn (fig 2): the tail should be longer (I tool as example a template of the SYW) and the pattes de paramants, bigger than it was. I did better the vest and I rounded the tail. This are tiny differences between a uniform of the War of Austrian Succession and one of the SWY; the first still had influnce of the military fashion of the beginning of the century, while the other (even though around 15 years later) had the exeprience of that war to increase in confort.

After this template, I was not convinced: the rifle seemed to me too tall and not in the correct way. So I changed to this:

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