Saturday, June 11, 2016


This morning I would like to celebrate an historical - though very forgotten by British authors - battle in 1706. Actually, while Marlborough was winning at Ramilles in the same period his counterpart and ally, Prince Eugenio von Savoy got an extraordinary victory against the French after an even more extraordinary expedition through Northern Italy. 
Identically the pride resistance of the little but proud Dukedom of Savoy and the siege of Turin, its capital, represent a masterpiece of brave and stubborn skill to fight of the Savoy/Piedmontese people that the official historiography guilty forgets. Even when I proposed to Osprey Publishing to publish one of their booklet on this incredible battle, they simply and gently expressed their not-interest, quite a one-side vision of history.

Today I want to celebrate on this blog the courage and skill to fight of the Imperial Army (Prussians, Hungarians, Austrians, Palatines, Savoy/Piedmontese) that totally annihilated the French Army that since then - at the contrary of what happened in the Northern front - never menaced again the Dukedom of Savoy and Piedmont

This said, here a little vision of the Pfalz "Division" (even though this tactical term was not used and we could then call it Brigades group) with the Prince Eugene

For the uniform of the Prince Eugene I simply copied his portrait from the museums

 prince Eugenio von Savoy is reviewing the troops of the Pfalz Group of Brigades before the Battle of Turin - September 1706


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