Coming back to this project and planning to spend some time on the white flashing Italian beaches, I prepared a fitting troops for the sand. So I went on with the project of the Italian Army that fought at the Battle of Dogali.
It was missing just the Infantry Officer. So I prepared a Lieutenant of Infantry, on foot, shooting with his duty pistol and holding in the other the sword to repell the Abyssianian enemy.
The blue - Savoy sash is the symbol of the tradition of the Italian Army, of the National Team (Euro 2020 huraaaa!) and I carried and still have at home - as my father before me - this sash. Honour and pride of a tradition.
1887 - Dogali. Italian Army Infantry Lieutenent (Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE)
From this figure it was quite easy to transform it into a Bersagliere Lieutenent to honour my father, Captain of the 3rd Regiment Bersaglieri "Majora Virisbus Audere"
1887 - Dogali. Italian Army Bersagliere Lieutenent (Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE)
I do find this uniform very beautiful. To note that the Officers - just to be better visible by the enemies! but it was still a romantic way of warfare - wore a blue-Savoy sash around the colonial helmet. Note also the ranks insigna: a golden knot on the sleeves, with a golden arrow with black line inside (Second Leutenant had just one golden arrow)
And finally me with the blue-Savoy sash, Gala Uniform.
Italian Army Gala Uniform - Second Lieutenant
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