I have to admit I started to like to make this trireme. From the original template I went on, increasing a lot of details that I would love to point out here:
1st detail: THE RAM
Originally, it was done in this way. But if we consider that the template reproduces the trireme floating, i.e. with a part of the skull under the waterline, the ram schould be (partially) under the waterline.
Picture 1 - The original ram |
So I decided to remake it (bronze colour, like the original) and half of it (being the second half under the water line. Here bottom the result:
Picture 2 - The modified ram |
2nd detail: THE HATCHWAY/GRATE. In this case, it was just depicted, and I did 3D |
Picture 3 - The 2D grate |
Picture 4 - The 3D grate |
3rd detail: THE STERN & its DECORATIONS
I really did not like the way originally the stern was looking (bottom here)
Picture 4 - The original stern |
So after preparing a (first) different decoration and checking how to glue it, I had to trim a little bit the original stern. |
Picture 5 - Trimming of the original stern decoration |
Finally (picture 6) I glued the new decoration |
Picture 6 - The (first) new stern
But I was not happy with the final result, so I went on and again after trimming and glueing I finally achieved the desided result. This is a real Roman stern (picture 7)
Picture 7 - The second stern |
4rd detail: THE BOW& its DECORATIONS
Also the bow had to undergo some deep modifications. Originally, it was like in picture 8 (bottom)
Picture 8 the original bow |
Picture 9. The original bow cut |
Picture 10. The original bow cut nr 2 |
Finally I glued the new bow in front, with a very big eye and a different motif (much more elaborated) |
Picture 11 The new bow |
5th detail: THE UPPER EDGES
In the previous picture (nr. 11) it is also possible to see the upper edge of the trireme. I decided to modify also this (picture 12). I substituted the simple fence with white shields and a passage for the soldiers to embark on the trireme done with matches.
Picture 12 The new upper edge
The final result (with removable sails) is as in pictures nr 13 and 14
Picture 13 The Roman Trireme with legionaries
Picture 14 with the sail