It has been since long a verydream of mine to be able to make with paper (and glue and wood) a Roman trireme (and a Venetian Galley, but this is another history) matching my 30mm tall papersoldiers.
So, after long time - and I still don't know why I did it - I went (again) and I bought the paper models of Wargame Vault
for a 1/300 scale Roman Galley, matching with 6 mm soldiers.
My goal was hence to up-scale the trireme, adding details and trying to adjust where I could the very good template I've gotten.
Firstly I had to remake a little more precise the proportions of the trireme, considering it 40 m long and just 5.5 meters wide, so a sort of long (and unstable) boat; to do that I used my papersoldiers 30 mm tall, considering them in reality as 2 m tall (actually with the long feathers on their head, considering a man of the epoch 165/170 cm tall, plus 30 cm helmet and feathers)
Once this done, I glued it on a thicker cardboard in order to give to this a shape and a sort of resistance.
I did the same with the main deck and I put the deck inside the boards, as explained by the original instructions. Then I started to have some problems with details. For example the protections of the deck were too high in comparation with my minifigures (bottom)
Here (above) an first idea of what was meant to be. But still a lot to be done....