BATTLE OF TURIN 7th September 1706 - Castle of Lucento
It was a hard work with researches on different and not matching sources. Finally I was able to remake the map of the French troops around the Castle of Lucento and its 4 farms. I also pointed out the names of the battallions of the Infrantry Regiment present at the fighting as well as the records of the Dragoons on foot Regiments defending the Castle. There is no other map on books or internet with these details.
Figure 1 - Details of the troops arrayed around the Castle of Lucento - Battle of Turin 1706
The Castle of Lucento was a fierce stronghold durign the Battle of Turin with the French defending it. I was able to find out the numbers and names of every single unit partecipating to this fighting inside the battlefield.
French Order of Battle - Left Wing
Jean François Ravend, MArquis de Saint Frémont
Regiment Piémont: 3 battalions - 1350 men (losses 531 men)
Regiment Normandie: 3 battalions 1310 men (losses 565 men)
Regiment Royal de Vaisseaux: 3 battalions - 1473 men (losses 885 men)
Regiment Lyonnais: 2 battalions - 875 men (losses 394 men)
Regiment Berry: 1 battalion - 470 men
Regiment Beauvoisis: 1 battalion 478 men
NB: under the Command of the Marquis de Saint Frémont there were also the Brigade Anjou (2 battalions of the Anjou Regiment and 1 battalion of the Dillon Regiment) and the Brigade Bretagne (1 battallion of the Bretagne Regiment and 2battalions of the Bourgogne Regiment) that were deployed in the center of the battlefield and hence did not partecipate to the defence of the Castle of Lucento.
Dragoons on foot
Regiment de Dragons Hautefort: 3 squadrons: 264 men
Regiment de Dragons Languedoc: 3 squadrons: 277 men
Regiment de Dragons Firmaçon: 3 squadrons: 269 men
Regiment de Dragons Caylus: 4 squadrons: 375 men
Regiment de Dragons Dauphin: 3 squadrons: 281 men
Regiment de Dragons de Rannes: 3 squadrons: 266 men
Regiment de Dragons Belle Isle: 3 squadrons: 277 men
Regiment de Dragons du Heron: 3 squadrons: 275 men
Regiment de Dragons Belabre: 3 squadrons: 279 men
Regiment de Dragons Bozelli: 2 squadrons: 171 men