Friday, January 21, 2022


I would like to start here, besides my papersoldiers, also a sort of review concernign the books I am going to buy.

I have the pleasure to start with "LA SPADA DI RADETZKY" (means "Radetzky's sword"), Author Massimo Zoppi, with plates of Ilario Bailot, published by Itinera Progetti of Bassano del Grappa in 2011. 

I am very glad to start with this book (180 mages) written totally in Italian that represents the best book - at least under a profile of uniforms for the Imperial Army in the period 1836 - 1849. I ha happy because it represents a far better and more precise book than - for example Osprey - with super detailled uniforms, and detailled explanations.

This is a perfect example how Italians are increasing a lot in a field that is usually dominated by English speaking authors. Bravi!

The book is divided in 5 chapters (180 pages) + 68 Unifomors tables, that cover perfectly all the details of the Imperial Army.

Thanks to this super book I was able to correct my Artillery Train and switch the distinctive colours from red to the correct blue, cancelling the red line on the trousers.

Thanks to this, I corrected my plates and added also the Artillery crew on the limber of the cannon.

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

This book also provides a very detailled pattern for uniforms:

Veru (very) beautiful is also the OOB in the way the Author did:

So whoever is interested in this period, MUST have this book, usefull for both the Italian Campaing (mainly) but also - for uniforms) for the Hungarian Campaign (Szabadsàgharc).

I do pay my compliments to the Author, to the Editor and to the Artist. BRAVI!

Friday, January 14, 2022


 Behind this template there is a huge study in order not to fail or at least to fail the minimum; in fact there are few pictures about the  uniforms of the Artillery troops in 1848 that were mounted. I was able with some cautious observations to draw this:

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

Here a limbered 6pwd gun

.. and unlimbered

and with caisson

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

Here top the typical Austrian way of Artiellery troops on the timber

and unlimbered.

and a scenario of this:

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

Bottom - The same with the barrel down

Bottom - The same with the barrel down and unlimbered (Problem: how did they do with the long seat? I considered as the back part of the gun carriage was under the seat; so when it was unlimbered, the seat and the rest should have a sort of support)

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

Top: of this horse, I will do 2, to pull the train while in front there will be 2 of the following (note the correct colour of epaulettes and collar:

Copyright Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE

Bottom: 6 pdr cannon.