Thursday, March 20, 2025


I know I have to finish this project (in my next post I will publish the Crusaders' cavalry at 1:1 ratio already done all arrayed and ready for battle) and hence I lack some troops to finish it: specifically the Turks horse bowmen (still to be done) and the Fatimyd Light Cavalry.

I decided it was time to fill this gap and so I started to draw this light cavalry that will be just in 120 horse. There were no clear examples of this kind of troops and hence I had to find out how they would appear.

I had temptation to make them ride camels but for the moment I stick to horse. I decided to eliminate shields, bows under the saddle, and whatever hauberque they coud wear, leaving them as simple as possible.

Here some examples with colour variations:

Fatimyd Light Cavalry in white tunic

Fatimyd Light Cavalry in brownish tunic

From this template I changed the cover of the head:

and a further variation with weapon:

From this I passed to officer template:

and as a final some different kinds of banners:

Friday, January 31, 2025


I rewieved the uniforms of the Spanish Regiments present at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo of my previous post, where I found an error: I considered as present the Irish Regiment Hibernia; actually it was a sort of Iberia, i.e. Espana. 

I went to check on the Kronoskaf site for the Spanish troops in SYW and I found out that in the WAS the Irish Regiment Hibernia fought at the defense of Neapoles in 1744 and hence it is impossible its presence the same year at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo.

At the contrary, the same source states that the Espana Regiment passed the Alps in 1744. Also my misunderstanig was due to a bad reading of a map of the battle, where the name of the Regiment was faded.

So finally I could draw in their completeness the Spanish Regiments that fought at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo.

Note to distiguish the Regiments:

Aside the Swiss Jung Reding Regiment, that wore a blue uniform, all the other Spanish Regiment, since 1717 wore white uniforms. To distiguish between them there were different elements: the ribbon of the tricorne and buttons (always of the same colour) were silver of gold. Some units had the trousers of the lining colour, others in white. Other units had the vest in colour, other in white.

I am pretty sure there were difference in the position of the pockets (bewteen totally similar regiments) but at the state I was not able to find any detail (while for Piedmontese units I will have no problem for this).

Also important to point out that some regiment were regular and hence they had a collar of the same lining colours, while others were provincials ("Regimentos Proviciales") and they wore a black tie, with white unifors as per Regulation dating 1734.

In the figure above it is hence possible to distinguish as provincial the Cordoba and Grenada Regiments.

The Regimentos Provincilaes were 17: Jean, Badajoz, Sevilla, Burgos, Lugo, GRANADA, Leon, Oviedo, CORDOBA, Trujillo, Santander, Orense, Santiago, Pontevedra, Tuya and Betanzos.

Some doubts arose about the nuances of the blue for the Toledo Regiment. In fact, from the Spanish sources was "azul" i.e. blue. Then I found this pictures of this regiment

and I tried to reproduce the same "blue" as here:

but getting back to Kronoskaf it has the same picture but with a different (and normal) blue

So I kept the former blue colour.

Another doubt was the lining fo the Cordoba Regiment. The sources dating after the realm of Felipe V gives red lining while before green. So I kept the green lining. Moreover for the regiment Espana there were sources saying light green (around 1750) while before just bare green. So I did it in a sort of green not too dark, not too light.

There is finally a very interesting adding: while I was preparing my OOB I found that defending the Church of Madonna dell'Olmo there were 3 Battallones Provinciales. I thought they were simply grenadiers taken from regiments present at the battle, (even though the numbers of Provicial Regiments were too low to form 3 battalions) but then I found about this units: it was a special unit of 3 batallions of combined grenadiers taken from militia units; so not belonging to any specific regiment (line or provincial) and hence dressed all the same in a very characteristic purple faced colour. 

Grenadero Provincial 1744

This uniform was taken from this (please not the wrong colour for the Rgt Cordoba)
Nontheless for the Granaderos Provinciale it is plenty of info and well detailled. This trigged my curiosity also because it gives the correct number of the Battalions but what astonish me is that they were dressed all the same way.
I asked some help in The Miniatures Pages and mostly they said that during the Napoleonic period they exsisted, while doubts arose for this period.

Finally I find this in the Book Carlo Emanuele III di Savoia a difesa delle Alpi nella campagna del 1744, Studio storico militare written by Colonel Carlo Buffa di Perrero in the year 1887, where he pointed out the existence of 3 Battalions of Provincial Grenadiers, number that perfectly matches with all the numbers I saw, regarding these troops.

This info was taken from a note in the Turin Archive where it was pointed out all the French and Spanish troops that crossed the Alps at the beginning of the 1744 Campaign.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


My previous post was a little bit done in a hurry. I had since then time to reflect and to fix the OOB. It was not an easy task above all for the Army of the Two Crowns (France and Spain), but thanks to Spanish sources I menaged to fill the gaps.

Here the results:

3 Btg Combined Grenadiers (Sp)
1 Btg Reg. Codoba (Sp)
1 Coy Spanish Husares (Sp)

1 Btg Reg. Cordoba (Sp)
2 Btg Reg. Saboya (Sp)
2 Btg Reg Vitoria (Sp)
2 Btg Reg. Asturias (Sp)
2 Btg Reg Toledo (Sp)

3 Btg Reg. Lyonnais (Fr)
1 Btg Reg Beauce (Fr)

4 Sqd Dragons Languedoc (Fr)
1 Sqd Grenaderso a Caballo (Sp)

4 Sqd Dragones Lusitania (Sp)
Sqd Dragones Numancia (Sp)
2 Sqd Dragones Edimburgo (Sp)

3 Btg Reg. Poitou (Fr)
1 Btg Jung-Reding (Sp)
1 Btg Combined Grenadiers (Sp)
2 Btg Reg. Anjou (Fr)

4 Sqd Dragones Pavia (Sp) on foot
3 Sqd Dragones Frisia (Sp) on foot

1 Btg Reg Grenada (Sp)
2 Btg Reg Navarra (Sp)
2 Btg Reg Mallorca (Sp)
1 Btg Reg Espana (Sp) (aka Hiberia)

5 Sqd Dragons de la Reine (Fr)
3 Sqd Cav Conti (Fr)

1 Btg Gardes Lorraines (Fr)
1 Btg Conti (Fr)
1 Btg Brie (Fr)
1 Btg Stainville (Fr)
1 Btg Conti (Fr)

4 Sqd Cav Real Piemont (Fr)
2 Sqd Cav Commisaire General (Fr)
2 Sqd Cav Charost (Fr)

3 Sqd Cav del Principe (Sp)
3 Sqd Cav Sevilla (Sp)
3 Sqd Cav Calatrava (Sp)

3 Sqd Cav  Guardias del Corps (Sp)
3 Sqd Cav Montesa (Sp)
1 Sqd Carabineros Reales

1 Btg Foix (Fr)
1 Btg Flandes (Fr) 

1 Btg Vivarais (Fr)

1 Btg Ile de France (Fr)

1 Btg Quercy (Fr)

The main info are from El Ejercito Espanol tra la Guerra di Succession (II) of Guerreros y Battallas with some other info, above all the map of the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo here:

From this map (a part of it) I am also going to prepare my map, with details of troops and their array. It will be the first one to be detailled in this way.


 After a little researches I came up with my 2 templates representing the Alferez (stardard bearer) of the Mallorca Regiment.

For this purpouse I used some info I went through. Specifically, I found the Flag Colonela of an Infantry Regiment in 1750:

I changed hence the coat of arms to that of Felipe V of Spain and obtained the Colonela:

On the corners accoding to the painting of the epoch there is the coat of arm of the Mallorca Regiment. I found it in an old picture and I reproduced it in the 4 corners.

and from this I reproduced the Ordinance Standard of the Regiment (here under)

It is important to note that every Regiment had just 1 Bandera Coronela, while all the rest (3 per battalion) were Banderas Sencillas.
While after the Reign of Felipe V also the Banderas Coronelas carried the Burgondy Cross, and the Coat of Arms of the King, during the Reing of Felipe V they carried just the Coat of Arms with at the corners the symbol of the town/province.

And in fact, I found on the book of the serie Guerreros Battallas number 134 this image (exactly!) of the Mallorca Regiment! So I had to modify my previous template:

From this magnificent figure I realized mine:

                                            Regiment Mallorca 1744 Bandera Coronela

and  after some more researches I mended my previous template:

Regiment Mallorca 1744 Bandera Sencilla

Here another version of the Bandera Coronela

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 As it always happens to me, I start one project, one template and then I have to correct it. After some doubts, I thought that maybe would be better to recreate a battalion with different poses, not just marching. So I tried to draw from a picture of the fantastic First Legion Miniatures, transforming a Russian solider of SYW to a Spanish soldier at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo in 1744. 

I think the result is quite interesting. I will proceed with other examples

The soldier belong to the Mallorca Regiment.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The new year just came and I want to celebrate it with an ancient project of mine, that like many others will never sees its end. But I know it and I will go on in this way. 

The Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo took place next to the town of Cuneo, South West Piedmont, a zone to which I am deeply bound, because I live in between the current Province of Turin and Cuneo. Another specific fact of this Battle is given by the fact that it envolves mainly the Piedmontese Army, so I really feel like obliged to pay may respects to my ancestors, that fought so bravely in this battle.

Also the uniforms of this period are really beautiful: they increased from WSS to a sophisticated level and there are already a lot of info about the real uniforms of the period (above all for Piedmontese, French and Austrian units).

In fact, to say the truth the Spanish Army that fought in that battle is mainly forgotten and to get some good info about their order of battle and the current uniforms was quite a challenge, but I managed and now I would like to share with you the results.

At the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo fought the following Spanish Regiments:

Regimiento Saboya
Regimiento Toledo
Regimiento Vitoria
Regimiento Asturias
Regimiento Navarra
Regimiento Mallorca
Regimiento Cordoba (Provincial)
Regimiento Granada (Provincial)
Regimento Jung Reding (Swiss)
Regimiento Hibernia (Irish)

The Spanish Infantry under Felipe V (after 1707) wore all white coat, with golden/silver buttons and a variations od details, like trousers, vest and so on. The Provicial units differentiate themselves for the fact to have a little black scarf around the neck, instead of a collar. 
The foreing troops wore their typical uniforms: the Irish in red and the Swiss (for the Spanish Crown) the blue. 

So I can present now my Infantry for the Spanish Army at the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo on 30the September 1744.

                                                                 Regimiento Saboya

                                                                Regimiento Vitoria

Regimiento Mallorca

Regimiento Navarra

                                                                Regimiento Asturias


Regimiento Toledo


Regimiento Cordoba

Regimiento Granada


Regimiento Hibernia


Regimiento Jung Reding

Obviously every Regiment had also his company of Grenadiers (Granaderos): here an example.

Grenadier of the Mallorca Regiment

Once I prepared all the templates, I found some mistakes (fig 1) to be re-drawn (fig 2): the tail should be longer (I tool as example a template of the SYW) and the pattes de paramants, bigger than it was. I did better the vest and I rounded the tail. This are tiny differences between a uniform of the War of Austrian Succession and one of the SWY; the first still had influnce of the military fashion of the beginning of the century, while the other (even though around 15 years later) had the exeprience of that war to increase in confort.

After this template, I was not convinced: the rifle seemed to me too tall and not in the correct way. So I changed to this:

Monday, November 18, 2024


 One of my ancient passion was the period of the Thirty Years War. I did like the huge mass of troops in tercios and brigades, with colorfull uniforms. Obviously, one of my "favourite" battle is the Battle of Luetzen in 1632, where two giants of the period, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Albrecht von Wallenstein faced in a bloody battle where the King lost his life but left an endless memory of his bravery.

This said, one of the top units fighting in that epic battle war the Yellow Brigade, based on a single Regiment, the Yellow Regiment with the elite troops of the King of Sweden. 

I tried to recreate, firstly, the front "squadron" of this Brigade, done by a unit 6 ranks deep and 36 files wide. So the problem with papersoldiers at 1:1 ratio is how to make the pose of the pikes, in a way it is always usuable on bpardgames (i.e. both when at rest and when under attack).

My solution was as follows:

with the second rank that "enters and fills up" the gaps in between the first rank..

I was wondering if it could be of any use another pose:

With the time I also improved the way I draw the figures. Here comparation between 2014 vs 2024